
Holley Central School District

Holley Central School District News Article

Parking Spot Painting for Seniors

Hi Seniors!

How does it feel to be a senior?

We hear that you would like to be able to paint a parking space if you are driving to school. We are happy to let you know that this has been approved.

Here is what we need:

- A copy of your design; this must be school appropriate and approved.

- Paint. You need to supply your paint and painting equipment. We may have some yellow and white paint, but it is limited.

We need to pick of couple of dates and times to do this. We will work with your class officers to pick some good times to get these done!

Start thinking about what you want your space to say about you!

What if I don't have a car yet, or will get a car and my license later this year? We will work it out so that you still have the opportunity.

Let us know if you have any questions.

Let's Go, Class of 2022!!!!

Mrs. Cory, Mr. Courtney, Mrs. Lepkowski

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