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Holley Central School District


Board Meetings

Regular Board of Education meetings are held on the third Monday of each month at 6 p.m. in the board room at District Office, unless otherwise noted.
All Board meetings are open to the public except those meetings specifically exempted by law. By law, closed or executive sessions may be called to discuss certain personnel actions, student discipline cases, contract negotiations, some property transactions, and for consultation with attorneys on pending litigation.
When a special meeting or study session (certain reports and topics are considered in greater detail than is possible at regular meetings) is necessary, public notice is given as soon as possible prior to the meeting. Meetings are held in the District Office Board Room, but may be changed to the Elementary Cafeteria during budget time and/or if more space is required for a specific reason.
District residents may speak to the Board during the “Public Comment” time on the agenda. Those wishing to speak should sign up prior to the start of the meeting. If you have any questions regarding Board of Education meetings, policy issues, or so on, please feel free to contact the Superintendent or the District Clerk at 638-6316, ext. 2003. Meeting dates are posted on the District calendar and listed below. Additional meeting dates will be established as needed.

JULY 15, 2024
AUGUST 19, 2024
SEPTEMBER 16, 2024
OCTOBER 21, 2024
NOVEMBER 18, 2024
DECEMBER 16, 2024
JANUARY 13, 2025
FEBRUARY 10, 2025
MARCH 17, 2025
APRIL 21, 2025
MAY 6, 2025
MAY 19, 2025
JUNE 16, 2025

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