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Holley Central School District



School district volunteers are an integral part of the learning environment in Holley. That is why the Holley Board of Education approved a volunteer program that makes it possible to compile a list of regular volunteers and focus their help where it is most needed. As always, any parent is welcome to volunteer in his or her child’s classroom. The purpose of the volunteer program is to help organize those who are willing to come in on a regular basis. 
Those interested in volunteering can obtain an application by clicking on the link at right or picking up one in the District Office. Applications then go to Program Coordinator Karri Schiavone, who forwards them to building administrators for approval and recommendation to the Board of Education. Once an application is approved by the Board, the volunteer will receive a letter of acceptance and his or her name will be added to a list posted in each school building. Teachers in need of volunteers can directly contact someone on the list. 
Some opportunities for volunteering include: assisting students with projects, checking homework, preparing supplies for projects, reading to children, and assisting in various areas of the school.
Parents, grandparents, community members, and high school and college students are encouraged to apply.

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