Holley's Food Service Program, Personal Touch, offers nutritional breakfasts and lunches to both students and staff. Breakfast is served at the Elementary School from 8:15 to 8:40 a.m. and at the Middle School/High School from 7:10 to 7:25 a.m. Lunch is served at the Elementary School from 11 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. and at the MS/HS from 10:32 to 11:59 a.m. Menus for both meals are available by clicking the links to the right.
Our district participates in the CEP program, which means breakfast and lunch meals are free to all students. If students wish to purchase a second meal or snack, we encourage pre-payment of these items to make it quicker and easier for students to progress through the cafeteria line. Pre-payment also eliminates the possibility of your student losing his or her money. To pre-pay, click the link to the mySchoolBucks page to the left. Holley Food Service will continue to accept cash for food purchases, but hopes to minimize the handling of cash.
For more information about Holley Food Service, contact Director Halee Passarell at 638-6318, ext. 2566.
Ala Cart Price List 24-25
- Elementary Student Entrée 2.25
- High School Student Entrée 2.25
- Milk 0.95
- Side Vegetable 1.00
- Side Fruit 1.00
- Side Grain 1.00
- Water 16.9oz 1.25
- Water 8oz 0.95
- Juice 4oz 0.85
- Fruit Snacks 1.10
- Ice cream 1.50
- Cookie 0.75
- Chips 1.45
- Rice Krispy Treat 1.25
- Snapple Can 1.75
- HS Snapple Tea 2.25
- HS Sparkling Ice 2.25
Adult Breakfast 3.19
Adult Lunch 5.45
All Adult snacks are subject to 8% sales tax at register
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