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Holley Central School District

Health Office

Health Office Home Page

Holley CSD has two full time registered nurses and one licensed practical nurse to provide first aid and emergency services. They also do vision, hearing and scoliosis screenings regularly, as well as keep track of students' immunizations and childhood diseases. 
Please remember that if your child is excluded from physical education due to an injury and has a written note from your physician or an emergency room, the school nurse must have written medical clearance for your child to resume physical education. 
For more information about physical and immunization requirements, and medication guidelines, please click on the tabs to the left. You may also call our health offices directly - Elementary at 638-6318, ext. 2404 or Middle School/High School at 638-6335, ext. 5100.

Please note:

As of June 13, 2019, there is no longer a religious exemption to the requirement that students be vaccinated against measles and other diseases to attend public school. The deadline for obtaining the first dose vaccinations for students attending school in the fall is 14 days from the first day of school. Within 30 days of the first day of school, students must have appointments for all required follow-up doses. 
New York State Department of Health has revised the regulations regarding immunization requirements for school attendance. The requirements are based on the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Please refer to the link at right for the latest immunization requirements.
  • A student who is in process is defined as one who has had the first dose of all required immunization series and has appointments to complete the series in accordance with the ACIP cat up schedule. See A student who is in process must be allowed to attend school.
  • Students may present proof of immunity by serology (blood test) to the following immunizations: measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis B and varicella. Physician diagnosis is accepted for VZ only.
  • Medical exemptions to immunizations must be reissued annually. The written exemption must identify the immunization exempted, the medical contraindication for the exemption and the length of time immunization is contraindicated.
  • A list of “susceptible students” (those without valid or adequate doses of vaccines) will be maintained by the nurse. In the event of an outbreak of the vaccine preventable diseases for which they are not vaccinated, these students need to be excluded according to Public Health Law.
  • A student previously diagnosed with measles or mumps would be required to be immunized or the parent/guardian would need to provide serological evidence of immunity.
  • Schools will be required to identify students who lack required immunizations and exclude those who fail to meet requirements within 14 days. This may be extended to 30 days for students transferring from out of state or another country and can show a good faith effort to get the necessary evidence of immunization. 
College bound students planning to attend colleges in New York State are required to show proof of immunity against meningitis, measles, mumps, and rubella as well as two doses of the measles vaccine.   
Student athletes must have a tetanus immunization within the past 10 years. Please check your child's immunization records and provide the date of his or her last tetanus immunization on the sports triplicate form. 
Click the links at right to access Health Office forms and helpful links.
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