Introducing the MS/HS Counseling Staff:
Kebra Horth, Counseling Office Secretary
Phone: 585-638-6335, ext. 5510
Erin Dibble, School Psychologist (7-12)
Phone: 585-638-6335, ext. 5511
Email Andrew Ruff, School Counselor (7-12, L-Z)
Phone: 585-638-6335, ext. 5514
Email Nicole Laure, School Counselor (7-12, A-K)
Phone: 585-638-6335, ext. 5512
Samantha Zelent, Social Worker
Phone: 585-638-6335, ext. 5513
Email Stacey Braley, School Social Worker (Alternative High School)
Phone: 585-638-6335, ext. 2551
Middle School/High School Fax: 585-638-7925
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